A-Z SKILLS - About Skillsture



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Jumpstart Your Career with the Top 100 In-Demand Skills

100-Skills is an interactive media publication to disseminate the most recent information, tips, and insights in such highly sought-after fields as big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and UI/UX design. These top 100 skill lists will determine the future of personal growth regarding job marketability and how these capabilities assist individuals in planning their next professional moves. As new abilities are developed and older ones are rendered obsolete, we will update the list consistently.


Jumpstart Your Career with the Top 100 In-Demand Skills

100-Skills is an interactive media publication to disseminate the most recent information, tips, and insights in such highly sought-after fields as big data, cloud computing, cybersecurity, digital marketing, and UI/UX design. These top 100 skill lists will determine the future of personal growth regarding job marketability and how these capabilities assist individuals in planning their next professional moves. As new abilities are developed and older ones are rendered obsolete, we will update the list consistently.


We have highlighted the top five skills out of 100 that our readers may use our SKILLSTURE platform to reskill and upskill quickly.

Big Data

With data being touted as the next oil of the modern generation, people with skills in harvesting the data and using them to empower profitable and actionable business decisions will be rewarded with a higher salary and better employment opportunities.

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As our lives become more reliant on data transfer to networks and servers, the requirement to safeguard and preserve these assets has quadrupled. Individuals with expertise in playing the role of hackers to protect the assets of corporations and organisations would gladly pay up to five figures per month for these qualities.

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Cloud Computing

Companies are migrating to the cloud, where network utilisation constantly determines costs due to the escalating expense of on-site servers and managed networks. Individuals with expertise in managing, administering, and delivering codes and software in this cloud environment are in high demand due to the growing use of public cloud providers like Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure.

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Product Designer

Product designers improve the quality of our lives by making it simpler to utilize familiar digital tools like the Google homepage, Netflix, Amazon shopping page, and many more Their design expertise and analytical abilities are necessary to produce user-friendly and engaging products.

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Digital Marketing

Digital marketing has evolved significantly over the years to better engage the target audience by leveraging technology, data, and creativity to create personalized and engaging experiences for the audience. For instance, social media has become essential to digital marketing, allowing marketers to engage with their audience in real-time and build relationships with them.

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